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Age affects everything

Age affects everything


With the inevitable time that passes comes age. Age affects everything, every moment of every day. Water is always in your pipes, always moving, always working, though the water is treated and always changing in that process, your household plumbing system stays the same, growing with time and age right alongside you.

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Cascade Plumbing - We fix what others can't

Cascade Plumbing - We fix what others can't

Vic Cotoia got started in the plumbing industry twenty years ago when he was living in New York.

“I was working in retail management,” he tells the Insider in an interview, “and decided to pick up a trade because I wasn’t happy. We had no plumbers in the family, so I opened the phone book and started reading down the list of plumbers and called to see who would be willing to train me. I literally got hired in five minutes with the offer to apprentice myself out.”

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